stayfarawayfrom5hoe: the real nave not that fake wanabe from la..
stayfarawayfrom5hoe: astro 640 amc lords
stayfarawayfrom5hoe: wire 640 amc lolc
stayfarawayfrom5hoe: cashes wkt ofa cik amc
stayfarawayfrom5hoe: pierso oms amc wkt
stayfarawayfrom5hoe: naver detail roller..the letter a
stayfarawayfrom5hoe: kady fuck the law!
stayfarawayfrom5hoe: Naver over that lame .
stayfarawayfrom5hoe: kash ofak wkt amc cik
stayfarawayfrom5hoe: about 640 amc
stayfarawayfrom5hoe: wire amc 640 lolc
stayfarawayfrom5hoe: this the real nave 1 amc wkt
stayfarawayfrom5hoe: NAVERRRRRRRRRRRRRR