sk8nfors8in: || Here's a photo for @instagram and a #WHPwindy project on the windy tour bus in Peru! It was pretty chilly with some strong wind hitting us on the second floor on the tour bus! 🚎⛪️ ||
sk8nfors8in: || Good afternoon ya'll! I'm going to be blowing you guys up with a lot of photos from Peru! So be prepared guys 🌍 #polaroidperception ||
sk8nfors8in: || Our adventure begins! Now just playing the waiting game until I can board the plane to Peru 🎒🌍 #letsgosomewhere ||
sk8nfors8in: || Back at it only for this short semester, will be traveling soon and can't wait to get some new shots 🎒🌏 #buyfilmnotmegapixels ||
sk8nfors8in: || @chickenmcfly21 Nose bonking his way through town 👃. With @lilhungreemane 🎥. #skateboardingisforever
sk8nfors8in: Random kid at the park - Kickflip