The MiniTog: 02 | 52 - This makes me laugh
faster2007: Private Squirrel..
Extra Medium: The Details of Marriage
peggy.: wishing you a love-ly week!
faster2007: Breathtaking location..
faster2007: Last view....
faster2007: Abandoned Hut..
faster2007: ..soo alone..
Matilde B.: 465 | the blowing winds of an old love
{leah}: love
Jeff Clow: Finally....
LynchburgVirginia ★: batteau into the sunlight
photongo: Amazing Grace - Buddhist monks chant at Pongour Falls, the largest waterfall in Dalat, Vietnam.
Jeff Clow: A Gift of Color
René Eriksen: The old man on the street.
_Paula AnDDrade: "Motherhood has a very humanizing effect. Everything gets reduced to essentials"
Matilde B.: 503 | forest greens lovely bokeh
iseethemoon: time casts a spell on you
muha...: Maafushivaru