Daniel Moreira: 13 - Supertubos
@Visual_Mind: VM3D9917.jpg
Jenni Holma: Nyctophobia
@Visual_Mind: VM3D6214.jpg
Don Giannatti (aka wizwow): Using opposing lights for Dramatic effect: a new article on Lighting Essentials
Don Giannatti (aka wizwow): Would silence make it better? Or would the elimination of knowing the answer make the question go away. It really didn't matter. She was alone on the beach.
Don Giannatti (aka wizwow): Beach. Sand. Sun. Briana. All was as it was supposed to be. Except for the very cool water. Cold, really. So I couldn't tell if she was jumping for me or to get her toes out of the cold sea.
soleá: Botticelli angels
#rjc: craques 2
-: Al Bell :-: Indoor Skydiving
Geshpanets: Irina #2
united*colours: criola bonita V
Fuxxion: bathroom
hkvam: taming
chishikilauren: Saintlike face and ghostlike soul
hkvam: sunshine kids
KarmenRose: Peeping Tom