nicknull1: With no ACL, MCL, and half a LCL I made it to the NAIA North regional finals. I'll be forfeiting and saving my knee for nationals! Also a big shout out to Colin Cronin for these wonderful swaps!
funkywrestling: Giving away one of these shirts!
MiWrestler2448 **3139997804**: Congrats nick null !!! You won the free bnib black combat 4s! Merry Christmas everyone! -❤️Donny btw I had a random girl chose 5 random people from the likes (she knew no one) and then put initials on a 5 sided dice. Nick! Shoot m
mnwrestler17 ( 763-954-0568 ): I wanna see who's all still on, tag others who are active as well
tgreensky120: Anybody wanna play league?
Miggy.Simòn: Alright! First person to give me $100 on these bad boys gets them. Size 10.5, lbn!
taggart1996: Pad swapped oes with rep pads
cwelker891: Let's just fav this picture for no absolute reason..everyone's favorites are very welcome
Quentin Santiago (313): 99+ faves and I'll break the lock and send a shoe if he scammed you
ColCronin132 (484-568-3918): Favorite if you know this legendary scammer
cmandravis: Before
taggart1996: Legendary picture
NJwrestler2013: No tags fit me at 8
taggart1996: Um, what?
taggart1996: My best of 3
colton_camacho: Finally got my surgery and got plenty of time to make deals 7.5-8.5 trade your wrestling shoes for my street. Just hoping for a quick recovery now 99+ FAVES OR NAW?
alexdevito1998: Long time bros. we've wrestled together for 2 years and he got me into Flickr. Owe it all to bkimball132 (774-573-9153) , how many faves can this get😏💗
~631 Trained~: ahh😰
bschmidt1997: Rockin teals
AlexPerganWCHS: ❄️ 👀 ❄️
taggart1996: I need all these gone. offer
Devin JD: 😳😍 FAV #tigerlove
taggart1996: Adidas Blue 88s. fit 8.5 GONE
Kevin Nixon(530)520-5021: Someone had a shitty day...😂
ILL_BORN113: How many favs can this get!?
taggart1996: Adidas Equipments with cb4 pads GONE