austin granger: South Sister, Oregon
Evans Hu: water color reflector
neamoscou: r e m a i n h o r i z o n t a l
neamoscou: u n d e r g r o u n d
Yehlin LEE 李岳凌: 拾得廟 le temple trouvé
Yehlin LEE 李岳凌: know your chicken
Evans Hu: Stephan Micus, plays bass Duduk
Evans Hu: Stephan Micus, plays Bavarian Zither
Evans Hu: Stephan Micus, plays Nohkan
Evans Hu: Stephan Micus, plays Kalimba
Evans Hu: Stephan Micus, plays Shakuhachi
Evans Hu: Stephan Micus, plays Irish tin whistle
Frédéric Poirot: William Gibson, father of 'cyberpunk'
Maulleigh: Lucretia, 15th - 16th century
Dominique Schreckling: The dance of the Sifaka
Yehlin LEE 李岳凌: 難得糊塗
Yehlin LEE 李岳凌: 你不應該不應該
LordKhan: punks in love
ILoveDoodle: Kiss & Hug!
krystian kujda: VHS HELL
krystian kujda: VHS HELL
Wonderlane: From above: His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama seated in the center of the Kalachakra mandala offering flower petals holding a dorje and bell, closing, Kalachakra for World Peace, Washington D.C., USA
Dave Glass . foto: Haight Ashbury, San Francisco
Dave Glass . foto: Rockin' Walt, San Francisco