zen-tada: Knitting
zen-tada: Fruits
zen-tada: The Way is eternal. Until your last day, you are free from peril. [Tao Te Ching chapter 16] Pics are from the movie The naked island ♡
zen-tada: Sunrise
zen-tada: Sunrise
zen-tada: 2019-03-02_06-04-49
zen-tada: No matter how rough the surface of the ocean becomes, a great stillness can be found below. Likewise, beneath the disturbance of destructive emotions, there is a vast expanse of peace - Chamtrul Rinpoche
zen-tada: Friend of silence
zen-tada: The mind does nothing but talk, ask questions, search for meaning; the heart does not talk, does not ask questions, does not search for meaning. Silently, it moves toward God and surrenders. The heart is God's servant. ~ from SAINT FRANCIS
zen-tada: What comes from the fertile soil
zen-tada: The wise ones fashioned speech with their thought, sifting it as grain is sifted through a sieve. Buddha
zen-tada: Your nature is pure awareness. Ashtavakra Gita