spaceprincess: Steve Wosniak- Apple Co-Founder
spaceprincess: Yuri Gagarin banner
spaceprincess: Raygun Gothic spaceship with Hangar One in the background
spaceprincess: John at his Yuri Gagarin booth
spaceprincess: Ray-gun Gothic Spaceship
spaceprincess: Prepping the main stage
spaceprincess: Make- mobile
spaceprincess: Ray-gun Gothic Spaceship
spaceprincess: 268px-Logo-Shiny-YurisNight
spaceprincess: Yuris-Night-2010
spaceprincess: YNBA 2007 hangar crowd from DJ booth
spaceprincess: YNLA 2001 dance floor
spaceprincess: YN patch on Everest summit
spaceprincess: 3470539699_c1673bffb9
spaceprincess: 3470543593_868360ab44
spaceprincess: 3427683047_47dfa2beae
spaceprincess: speaking2
spaceprincess: 3428483400_fca7f6e75b
spaceprincess: 2411403039_93087d1d56