Sean M Richardson: The Marques Palace
Sean M Richardson: Dictatorship Palace
Sean M Richardson: Hospital de Pombo
Jonnie Lynn Lace: Dictatorship Palace
Jonnie Lynn Lace: Villa D'Oro
Petit Lardon: VW forest
ForgottenMelodies: Chapel of light
adolfoto63: Toldo y Giralda
kennethcanada1: My Prayers Are For You, My Friend Barcelona.
notanaddict321: Die Schlüssel...zur Urbex-Welt
LichtGespiele: corridor I may be sad but i'm not weak
Michael Roell: Hunters Hotel
LichtGespiele: Eye of God
Ltblue: oval crypta
Rommel il lungimirante: Milord non c'è
Timeless Seeker: Dejection
Fabio Simone Sebastiano: The Death of Paradigm
Fabio Simone Sebastiano: What remains of love
Fabio Simone Sebastiano: Bianco Tremore