blhbiker: P1364
jenjelacic: I'm learning
YorkieGeordie: JG (mine)
jenjelacic: Listen up motherfuckers...This is a fuckin robbery.
jenjelacic: Let's go
jenjelacic: It's time
jenjelacic: Waiting to go in
jenjelacic: Don't fuck with me bitch!
jenjelacic: QUICKER!
jenjelacic: More experimentation
jenjelacic: Experimenting with ski masks
sgtiffani: Grace is on a mission
sgtiffani: It’s a tough day for bank staff
jenjelacic: "This is a holdup ladies and gentlemen, just do exactly what we say and you won't get hurt."
razor_blade_smile2001: 20240905_224856
sgtiffani: Kayleigh is in the middle of a robbery
Dober Man: DSC_7559
kmroddy: Wild Thing