Marek Palicka: P1330620
geraintparry: Atlantic Puffin
Kieran McCarthy: Andy Fitzpatrick (Musician) The Marine Bar, Youghal 30/08/2018
Daniel.35690: En Bretagne . . .
RdeUppsala: Shoreline
oʇ[◎]ɥd | ʍɟɐ: View to Dunvegan Castle, Isle of Skye, Scotland
jpboiste: lightroom_luc le 24-08-2013 coucher de soleil sur la jetée
Antonio Chac: Atardecer
Kieran McCarthy: Boola, Co. Waterford - Flowing Stream
Antonio Chac: Colores del atardecer
AstroGraphiker: under the bridge
AstroGraphiker: Totes Gebirge - Großer Priel
AstroGraphiker: Milchstrasse
AstroGraphiker: Thunder & Lighting 2/3
AstroGraphiker: captured a sphere
Andreas Komodromos: Patriot Act - Manhattan, New York City
Dreaming of the Sea: Sunset flare
ilsiciliano_: sunset in Isola delle Femmine
ilsiciliano_: Tramonto Italiano
ilsiciliano_: Tramonto Italiano
ychad: Nettes rousses (Netta rufina) Red crested Pochard-
brandonzcreations: Lighting Up the Milky Way
Ah Wei (Lung Wei): Golden Sunlight
Ah Wei (Lung Wei): 真受不了他XDD
czar_fernando: mother & daughter
czar_fernando: black clouds
czar_fernando: Starnberger See
erfey07: DSC_0343
erfey07: DSC_0252