tatjana trynkun:
tatjana trynkun:
Mark Smalley:
Lidded jar
Orlando Z.:
Einer wird geschleppt
our cultural archive:
Canopic Chest
Gary Lee Todd, Ph.D.:
Ancient Egypt Djed Pillar Amulets
Pendeloque Jewelry:
Djed Pillar
Internet Archive Book Images:
Image from page 160 of "Egypt and the Sûdân; handbook for travellers" (1914)
Internet Archive Book Images:
Image from page 133 of "The Mythology of all races .." (1918)
Internet Archive Book Images:
Image from page 70 of "The Mythology of all races .." (1918)
Internet Archive Book Images:
Image from page 89 of "Osiris and the Egyptian resurrection;" (1911)
Internet Archive Book Images:
Image from page 255 of "Osiris and the Egyptian resurrection;" (1911)
expo Pierre Boncompain, un peintre drômois. été 2013.
randolphcapelle clicks tongue:
Mittwochs im proberaum
Hans Ollermann:
Papyrus of Ubekhet and Tadimut - Deir el-Bahri. Dynasty 21, ca. 1000 BC. Egyptian Museum, Cairo © Hans Ollermann (03).
Saqqara 1995
л д:
tatjana trynkun:
Hsiao Ying:
Great Empty Rooms 50 50
Stuart Frost:
The Book of the Dead of Nebqed.
Ammit, Devourer of the Dead PM
rob zwemmer:
TE289 Green Crocodile Demon
Hunefer's Book of the Dead, detail of Ammit