Pedro Chrispim: Caminito se mudou para o Paraíso/SP
Pedro Chrispim: 2018-01-20_05-26-32
Pedro Chrispim: 2018-05-14_06-08-14
Fernando J. C. Gomes: Parapente - Parque da Cidade - Niterói
Fernando J. C. Gomes: Parapente - Parque da Cidade - Niterói
Fernando J. C. Gomes: Parapente - Parque da Cidade - Niterói
Lenny Bander: Imperial Blue Butterfly
Katrinitsa: A dream of spring
Ishmaanay: Sahyadri Common Five-ring - Ypthima baldus madrasa
arkansas traveler: IMG_0856 Just Had Some Kind of Mushroom 10-7-17
Haijingzheng: _DSC6783
Bart Mariner: Caterpillar of Pseudosphinx tetrio. It's a species of moth in the family Sphingidae that look really dull -greyish broun. Its common names include tetrio sphinx, giant gray sphinx, frangipani hornworm, and plumeria caterpillar. Exploring Fairchild.
Kevin67.: Green Hairstreak
_Sebastian Loeffler_: Kleines Nachtpfauenauge an einer Palme
Thoughiwantyou: Bordeaux
Joe Branco: Cape May Warbler
Pedro Chrispim: Santarém
Pedro Chrispim: Santarém
Pedro Chrispim: Santarém
Pedro Chrispim: Santarém
Pedro Chrispim: Santarém
Pedro Chrispim: IMG_9194
Pedro Chrispim: horto florestal de Campos do Jordão
Kevin67.: Silver-washed Fritillary (valezina form)
valpil58: Gold and rubies
DerekL1: Silver-studded Blue (Plebejus argus).