taltom54: Bowmanville Salmon2 Sept. 10, 2024
jadturnbull: Gun Battery remnants - Cape Spear - Newfoundland
devi233: End of the weekend
truszphoto: Central_Tech_moonrise_001
truszphoto: Moon_at_sunrise_001
psybiggs: Cygnus Mosaic
Brise legere: Lever du soleil dans la Baie géorgienne
jadturnbull: Riverside Reflection - 2
sr667: Sculptured Resin Bee
truszphoto: so_many_sunspots_001
jadturnbull: Dewdrops - 2
psybiggs: Milky Way and Rho Ophiuchi
psybiggs: The Milky Way in Scutum
Brise legere: Finnerty Gardens at UVic
psybiggs: Saturn
psybiggs: Cave Nebula Widefield
psybiggs: The Cocoon Nebula Widefield
psybiggs: NGC 7789 Caroline's Rose
taltom54: Backyard Dragon Fly
devi233: Do West 2024
HecSub: 2024IMG_129
jadturnbull: Centrepiece Breakdown - 1
taltom54: Omimous Clouds
truszphoto: dollar_store_lighting_002
truszphoto: dollar_store_lighting_004
truszphoto: dollar_store_lighting_003
truszphoto: dollar_store_lighting_001
mariacorrea2023: DSCN9694_DUNDAS_WEST_060824