ChengEric0702: 交換故事 | 中央公園
Clark5262: On the Way Home / 回家路上
sensdessusdessous: Prospettiva
paul 寶特瓶: 南投橫山-Yokoyama Nantou, Taiwan
Jinky Dabon: image of Buddha
Angel ☜<B.❀.R.A>☞: Blue SKY❤️❤️
Angel ☜<B.❀.R.A>☞: Bluedawn❤️❤️
Vincent_Ting: Dawn at Sun Moon Lake 日月潭
Clark5262: Port at Night / 南方澳之夜
BigWhitePelican: An contradiction of elements
Clark5262: Those Good Old Days / 璀璨年代
Jinky Dabon: silhoutte....
Jinky Dabon: I've got five arms...
Jinky Dabon: scoop me out....honey!
asamilee: 這麼冷的天氣來杯溫暖的熱飲吧!
Andy-Hsieh: Cosmos
Andy-Hsieh: silver grass
Andy-Hsieh: This dandelion is for you~
Antonio Chac: La orilla
paul 寶特瓶: 福壽山松盧 - Fushoushan Song Lu, Taiwan
Billy Photography +: Mysterious space
asamilee: 卡悠峰瀑布~
asamilee: 走過吊橋才是惡夢的開始....
asamilee: Our friendship never die!
asamilee: Take a rest....
asamilee: Monday bokeh
asamilee: Be careful not falling down....
asamilee: Let me take you home...