Shaun's Wildlife Photography: Female Chaffinch.
SolitudeWays.: La terra di mezzo | Colli euganei.
Marvin Bredel: waiting for a rider
Eggii: Good evening .... Take a deep breath.... (Explore # 20- 26.01.2014)
Eggii: “...I don't want to believe. I want to know....” ― by Carl Sagan
Shaun's Wildlife Photography: Female Chaffinch.
JesseJ.: Chinese Cultural Centre
JesseJ.: Sunrise
SolitudeWays.: Il tramonto violaceo - rosato di questa sera.
Eggii: day 61 - Project 365 - search of inspiration of minimalism and simplicity...
Marvin Bredel: IMG_0404
skiusa1: DSC_0598-f
Eggii: colors of my city....
bemcgowan: Green cheeked conure
nichbar: Young Red Deer
notjes1966: 04. Moqueur polyglotte - Mimus polyglottos - Northern Mockingbird
notjes1966: 08. Moqueur polyglotte - Mimus polyglottos - Northern Mockingbird
Glatz Nature Photography: Safe Place for Black Bear Spring Cub
kleinstars: timmy-by-the-orchids.jpg
Franc Le Blanc .: Roofvogel show .
Fred Roe: White-breasted Nuthatch [Sitta carolinensis]