-Nattie: Happy Birthday, and four-year anniversary.
-Nattie: birthday table.
-Nattie: take out.
-Nattie: time to take a bath.
-Nattie: afternoon.
-Nattie: I wanna to be together like this forever.
-Nattie: early summer morning.
-Nattie: my favorite
-Nattie: always
-Nattie: reading
-Nattie: seaside
-Nattie: my cafe
-Nattie: sunny place
-Nattie: 20160418
-Nattie: cozy place
Midori -: I can't give you my soul
Brandi Monroe: And make all my storms sunny.
Olivia Lalonde | Le Poppycock: Celebration of Light
Jacky Macpherson: [Ten minutes with a genuine friend is better than years spent with anyone less.]
xxnianixx: Sunny Days! ... by Niani
[ keke ] by Kean Kelly: [ keke ] pens & pencils freebie GIFT
Brandi Monroe: The world is yours.
anc aki.: antiquestage + lamps for c88