anthony samaniego: yeah, I'm an architect
todaniell: Let every dawn be to you as the beginning of life, and every setting sun be to you as its close. John Ruskin
kenny barker: Drunken Pier, High Tide
Red Kiwi Photography: From the Dunes Up
Red Kiwi Photography: Light Leaks at Sunset
MonsoonPete: flowers in a beer mug next to a peach
Chucat: Pinholearoid_FP-3000B_Test_02-2013_06_09-Edit.jpg
FredericRivollier: Old Barn New Crop
Der Ohlsen: WPPD 2013 : Wittensee
david.bardes: Skeleton
DaveMurdoch... time to catch up!!: Uncovered once more..
DanRSmith: Mascot
DavidO'Brien: Rye foreshore - pinhole cottage
Chaun_Cy: Gourd
Red Kiwi Photography: Waves of Sand