jtzuhlsdorf1959: 06_11_26_fog_navona_bw_20
jtzuhlsdorf1959: 06_11_27_tevere1
jtzuhlsdorf1959: 06_11_09_mirrorJTZ_20
jtzuhlsdorf1959: 06_11_19_communion4_20
jtzuhlsdorf1959: San Rocco, Roma
jtzuhlsdorf1959: Roman sunset on 6 Nov 2006
jtzuhlsdorf1959: Roman sunset on 6 Nov 2006
jtzuhlsdorf1959: Ss Luca e Martina al Foro Romano
jtzuhlsdorf1959: angelo_moon
jtzuhlsdorf1959: dawn_city
jtzuhlsdorf1959: sunset_angelo
jtzuhlsdorf1959: 06_06_04_pantheon_20
jtzuhlsdorf1959: RENI_Trinity_30
jtzuhlsdorf1959: Bougainvillea at the Pantheon
jtzuhlsdorf1959: The Nile
jtzuhlsdorf1959: A tough day at the Piazza Navona
jtzuhlsdorf1959: Piazza Navona
jtzuhlsdorf1959: A fish at the Pantheon
jtzuhlsdorf1959: Nice Roman sunset
jtzuhlsdorf1959: Bernini's statue of St. Teresa of Avila
jtzuhlsdorf1959: The dome of San Carlino by Borromini
jtzuhlsdorf1959: Fireworks bursts for 5th centennary of the Swiss Guard
jtzuhlsdorf1959: 11 Feb 06: Fireworks for the 77th Anniv of the Lateran Pacts
jtzuhlsdorf1959: S. Ivo - Roma
jtzuhlsdorf1959: G. Belli in Trastevere - Roma
jtzuhlsdorf1959: Ceiling of the Basilica of S. Cecilia - Roma
jtzuhlsdorf1959: Baldichino of the Basilica of S. Cecilia - Roma
jtzuhlsdorf1959: Statue of the virgin martyr Cecilia - Roma
jtzuhlsdorf1959: Moonset at St. Peter's - Roma
jtzuhlsdorf1959: Swiss Guard - Roma