chailey: Day 6: Lunch, Killesbergpark, Stuttgart
Daedalus .: Farne Islands from Bamburgh beach
Pickersgill Reef: The Tees at Girsby Bridge
chailey: Day 4: View of the bridge and castle, day trip to Heidelberg
chailey: Day 4: Ernest looking tired, back in Stuttgart after our day trip to Heidelberg
mafleen: little bonnets
mafleen: Dandilion falls
mafleen: Love Newcastle
ninaduckling: #self-employed #haha #poodle #playday
Simon Knott: Walter Marcon on his bicycle (John Hayward)
bykercolin: DSC01903
TV DiSKO: Entrance, Pro QM, Berlin
chailey: Mum's prizes at her church craft competition today, Hellingly
chailey: Delphiniums, Impington chicken-sitting
chailey: Cornflowers, Impington chicken-sitting
TedSher: Oct.16, 1993
Kevin01O: Nap time
GenJapan1986: 淡路交流の翼港からの景色
chailey: Hankerchief Tree & Rhododendrons, Kenwood House, Hampstead Heath
chailey: Rob, Andrew, & Ernest and a large oak tree, Hampstead Heath
chailey: Henry Moore's "Two Piece Reclining Figure No. 5" & me, Kenwood House, Hampstead Heath
Pete Hindle: march comic
Pete Hindle: Pink Lane Coffee
allhails: Worker statue near Rathausstrasse, East Berlin, 9 September 1959
Pete Hindle: Sketch of books
Lindsay Duncanson: In let to the Brun
transmediale: CiTiZEN KiNO, Panke e.V.
mafleen: Signs of spring
teotwawki: Snow on the Tyne