Sandra Bartocha: the sunny days are gone
Claude@Munich: European Beeches / Rotbuchen
My Morton Arboretum Images: Prunus mahaleb -- Bark
esagor: Brown's Lake near Ely, October 2014
esagor: Bark on a 17-inch diameter tamarack, Larix laricina.
esagor: Black cherry.
thatsahugebirch: Beaver Damage
esagor: Highbush cranberry, Viburnum trilobum
esagor: Pagami Creek Fire, two years later
esagor: Pagami Creek Fire, two years later
esagor: Pagami Creek Fire, two years later
esagor: Pagami Creek Fire, two years later
thatsahugebirch: Maidenhair Fern
thatsahugebirch: Bunchberry
thatsahugebirch: Round Lobed Hepatica
thatsahugebirch: Baby Porks
thatsahugebirch: Blue Flag Iris
thatsahugebirch: Dwarf Raspberry
thatsahugebirch: Low Bindweed
thatsahugebirch: Yarrow and Orange Hawkweed
thatsahugebirch: White Spruce
thatsahugebirch: Heal All
thatsahugebirch: False Beechdrops
thatsahugebirch: Forest Tent Caterpiller
thatsahugebirch: Labrador Tea
esagor: Blandin string-of-pearls treatment
Morgentor / Morning Gate: Yucca spec. 'Kartausgarten' (Carthusian Garden) behind these Yucca (aff. x floribunda) Sochi, left Y. glauca
esagor: New ironwood leaves and distended catkins