Blizno: Tartarian honeysuckle witches broom.
Blizno: Diplodia on a Austrian Pine.
Blizno: More hyp.
Blizno: Buck-rub spruce.
Blizno: Don't ever grow behind a forestry tavern.
Blizno: Blue stain fungus.
Blizno: Rhizosphaera close-up.
Blizno: Dead of the hyp.
Blizno: Hypoxylon canker on quaking.
Blizno: Pollutant indicating lichen.
Blizno: Long winter and too many rodents.
Blizno: He really don't like Norway Maple.
Blizno: Rhizo 3
Blizno: Bunny kill of burning bush.
Blizno: Blue spruce Rhizosphaera on campus.
Blizno: Rhizosphaera in da 'hood.
Blizno: Pissed on box elder.
Blizno: Schmeeckle Black Knot on Cherry