Blizno: Under the elderberry.
Blizno: Elderberry break.
Blizno: Beaked Hazel Flower and Catkin
Blizno: Hepatica
Blizno: Early Hepatica Flower
Blizno: Rotten white oak.
Blizno: Oak leaf with issues 2
Blizno: Peeperville.
Blizno: Eutypella on red maple.
Blizno: Turkey tail.
Blizno: Old white birch and red maple.
Blizno: Groundcover better hurry.
Blizno: Laying wood fern.
Blizno: A tree with a knob.
Blizno: Hopeful pines.
Blizno: Old oak.
Blizno: Club moss and intermediate wood fern.
Blizno: Thin blue line.
Blizno: Snag.
Blizno: Trametes versicolor. Turkeytail fungus.
Blizno: Artists conk,
Blizno: Bursting maples.
Blizno: Red maple bloom.
Blizno: New Hope entrance.
Blizno: A red pine and red maple box it out.
Blizno: Aspen flowering.
Blizno: Red mapes flowers and buds breaking.
Blizno: Flaming red maple flowers.
Blizno: Mapses.
Blizno: Highly stocked.