[Intense Potato]: Security Contractor Light Helicopter
Opel Blitz Driver: Unnecessarily lattice covered bridge
Immediate~C: Вооруженные силы России
[Intense Potato]: Hunting Carbine Mod
The Minifig Co.: Multicam BDU
Opel Blitz Driver: Improved Mantle V3
DBbricks: ~Fall Back!~
DBbricks: Ending the Season Right
Angelo_S.: Streets of Leningrad
LegoUli: ME BF 109 rework
♕ Spencer: Apocalyptic Russian (Metro)
Carpet lego: Sherman "Zippo"
[Intense Potato]: Sherman Firefly
[Intense Potato]: this game.
Commander James: M4A1 Sherman
CalHigh: MVD
Roaglaan: This is fizzies, she will be joining our family next Saturday. We will be heading up to Kentucky to get her.
SEdmison: Invasion of Phu Bai Valley
Brickzalive: Tagged (but not really)
CalHigh: It's: bad lads, Army!!!
NY_Bricks: USMC Helicopter Pilots
Tomcat Bobcat: Two Years...
NY_Bricks: Fly By Night