bill hunnewell: humpback breech!
bill hunnewell: breech sequence
bill hunnewell: AN7V0858.jpg
bill hunnewell: head on humpback corkscrew breech
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bill hunnewell: me, Mark Kelly, best selling (and award winning) Alaskan photographer, Flip Nicklin, National Geographic's premiere expert on whales and photographer, founder of Whale Trust..and the famous Ralph Lee Hopkins
bill hunnewell: lazy Steller sea lions
bill hunnewell: pod of humpbacks
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bill hunnewell: bubblenetting with one fish trying to escape!
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bill hunnewell: not all whales do this social group feeding effort. really only a handful do though it is done in different parts of the world for different prey
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bill hunnewell: AN7V0578.jpg
bill hunnewell: he just heard they're going to Hawaii again this winter...
bill hunnewell: AN7V0343.jpg
bill hunnewell: AN7V0345.jpg
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bill hunnewell: AN7V0741.jpg
bill hunnewell: bubblenetting
bill hunnewell: baleen can be seen on the roof of their mouths
bill hunnewell: those lines are throat pleats that allow the massive gulp of water and food
bill hunnewell: AN7V0569.jpg
bill hunnewell: AN7V0520.jpg