bill hunnewell: wednesday release team boards elephant seals off the ramp we use for releases at the old coast guard station, Pt Reyes...Photo by Bill Hunnewell © The Marine Mammal Center - thank you to the MMC for the access to our beautiful patients..
bill hunnewell: beach denizen, chimney rock, pt reyes
bill hunnewell: elephant seals near the rookery at chimney rock, pt reyes - some are already molting
bill hunnewell: going home - chimney beach release..Photo by Bill Hunnewell © The Marine Mammal Center - thank you to the MMC for the access to our beautiful patients
bill hunnewell: we had 6 elephant seals and one fur seal to release last week - many more went home this week...Photo by Bill Hunnewell © The Marine Mammal Center - thank you to the MMC for the access to our beautiful patients...
bill hunnewell: seeing Drakes bay after rehab at the MMC..Photo by Bill Hunnewell © The Marine Mammal Center - thank you to the MMC for the access to our beautiful patients
bill hunnewell: Photo by Bill Hunnewell © The Marine Mammal Center - thank you to the MMC for the access to our beautiful patients
bill hunnewell: these guys are looking for the others to join them...Photo by Bill Hunnewell © The Marine Mammal Center - thank you to the MMC for the access to our beautiful patients
bill hunnewell: heading home...Photo by Bill Hunnewell © The Marine Mammal Center - thank you to the MMC for the access to our beautiful patients
bill hunnewell: home!..Photo by Bill Hunnewell © The Marine Mammal Center - thank you to the MMC for the access to our beautiful patients
bill hunnewell: Guadalupe Seals are endangered - Guad release back to the ocean, Chimney Rock, Pt Reyes...Photo by Bill Hunnewell © The Marine Mammal Center - thank you to the MMC for the access to our beautiful patients
bill hunnewell: the old Coast Guard Boat Launch, Chimney Rock, Pt Reyes
bill hunnewell: sea lions are coming in to the Center, mostly malnourished..Photo by Bill Hunnewell © The Marine Mammal Center - thank you to the MMC for the access to our beautiful patients
bill hunnewell: fur seal pup patient..Photo by Bill Hunnewell © The Marine Mammal Center - thank you to the MMC for the access to our beautiful patients
bill hunnewell: juve calif sea lion patient..Photo by Bill Hunnewell © The Marine Mammal Center - thank you to the MMC for the access to our beautiful patients
bill hunnewell: The Southern Church in Amsterdam - Monet painted this...
bill hunnewell: canal in front of our hotel, the Pulitzer
bill hunnewell: Amsterdam was popping as we hit peak tulip season - Dam square with the WWII memorial
bill hunnewell: the best outdoor dining patio ever!
bill hunnewell: IMG_2544
bill hunnewell: IF there could only be one... we didn't meet a single person from Amsterdam that didn't hate bikes! (not that they didn't ride them) It is totally out of control sending many to the hospital each year and multiple deaths!
bill hunnewell: gouda all over the place!
bill hunnewell: the southern church from another angle..the city's first church built specifically for Protestant services constructed between 1603 - 09.
bill hunnewell: one of the houseboats used in Ted Lasso's Amsterdam episode - haha
bill hunnewell: the Waag House
bill hunnewell: the Waag house is a remnant of the former city walls - famous for admitting paying members of the public to witness human dissections and featured in Rembrandt's "Anatomy Lesson" - the corpses were all criminals in life
bill hunnewell: open road through the Rijks
bill hunnewell: the Rijks dedicated to Dutch arts and history opened in 1798 and moved to Amsterdam in 1808
bill hunnewell: outside the Van Gogh - don't miss this museum either