Bernard DUPONT: Cape Buffaloes (Syncerus caffer) bulls drinking ...
Aves Lux: Robin
Aves Lux: Shield Bug eggs and nymphs
Thomas Shahan 3: Tabanus (lineola?) - female horsefly - Oklahoma
nickybay: Dusky-winged Forest Nomia (Nomia fuscipennis) - P5228950
nickybay: Black and gold huntsman spider (Thelcticopis sp.) - DSC_5881b
andredekesel: Cicindela chinensis - facial
Thomas Shahan 3: Hentzia palmarum male - oklahoma
Thomas Shahan 3: Phanolinus sp Rove Beetle - Mindo, Ecudaor
andredekesel: Eyed flower mantid (2)
Colin Hutton Photography: Stick grasshopper - Proscopiidae
Abbott Nature Photography: Golden Silk Orbweaver (Nephila clavipes) 20180811_0970.jpg
Sergi Roca: Ephemeroptero-2.jpg
Rundstedt B. Rovillos: Let's go bug hunting!
andredekesel: Handheld stacking
DigitalBite: road to nowhere
kliton77: STUDIO SETUP
Yousef Al-Habshi: Hasarius adansoni, Male
johnhallmen: Studio stack: Nocturnal Predator
Tom's Macro and Nature Photographs: Brazilian Tapir, Rio Tambopata, Peru
Thomas Shahan 3: 2016 Bugshot - Tambopata, Peru
Thomas Shahan: Habronattus americanus - Wallowa Mountains, Oregon - 2016
gatorlink: Pierinae
andrea hallgass: Dioctria cf. rufipes (De Geer, 1776)