andredekesel: Glowing antenna
andredekesel: Chrysomelid duo
Paolo Mars: NeoSelva_Hyalinobatrachium-aureoguttatum
DevinBergquist: Western Spadefoot Toad
Jeremy Schumacher: Zig-zag Salamander
Jules Farquhar.: Variable Dtella (Gehyra versicolor) - Subdigital lamellae
Ville.V.: Pristimantis Mindo
makro10nh: Pracht-Südfrosch
makro10nh: Borneo-Winkerfrosch
Jeff Bray: Mr. Anna's Hummingbird
Vegajuls: CONTRALUZ Scintillant Hummingbird, Costa Rica
rhyspope: Lightning Up The Sky || CASTLEREAGH STORMS || AUSTRALIA
Matthias.Kahrs: Eisvogel (Alcedo atthis)
Alfredo.Ruiz: San Miguel de Aralar
BeckH1: Golden Eagle feeding on ptarmigan
BeckH1: Arctic Fox taken in Norway
Justin Terveen: Silverton, Colo.
geekyrocketguy: And So It Begins
Tom_Drysdale: Scottish Bluebells
Panorama Paul: More Milford Magic
Stefan Klauke: Catch the sun
gian_tg1: leaf in the fast lane [in EXPLORE]
albert dros: The Green Walk
Tim Shields BC: Arches National Park at sunset
camelos: Night at Varhost
cfaobam: Schrammsteine - Sächsische Schweiz
camelos: Mala Fatra