Benny Hutch: Burn it Down BW
plash1: Rural Atrophy
plash1: Turbines
Bian Sifredi: DSC_0230
Maggie Photography: Costa Rica
seikoesquepayne: Never Alone
Loser No. 27: The moon
RWiggin Photography: Grand Teton - Somewhere in Time
BillsExplorations: Nothing but a Good Time...
BillsExplorations: Scenic Bluff Road Abandonment
Rick Lanting: Window To The Past
Medallo6227: 1941 Chevy Pickup
plash1: Curb Appeal
plash1: Abandonment Under the Stars
BrownZelip: Strauss cabin in Fort Collins walls
BrownZelip: Strauss cabin in Fort Collins Dark
BrownZelip: Strauss cabin in Fort Collins dark blue
BrownZelip: Strauss cabin in Fort Collins southside dark
Ata Foto Grup: 299 - the fog
plash1: Abandoned Virginia
plash1: Cold, Dark & Dreary