theophilus1918: Gorrrrrrrilla
theophilus1918: KellsEye
theophilus1918: KellsEye
theophilus1918: KellsEye
theophilus1918: Wierd suspension bridge.
theophilus1918: REALLY?!
theophilus1918: AtlantaGA
theophilus1918: AtlantaGA
theophilus1918: SheHatesFireworks1
theophilus1918: Ruggles Mine, me and the neice.
theophilus1918: Ruggles Mine, me and the neice.
theophilus1918: Ruggles Mine, me and the neice.
theophilus1918: Icicle from hell...
theophilus1918: Newburyport MA July 1994
theophilus1918: Amesbury MA August 1995
theophilus1918: Decko Extendo with Dogger
theophilus1918: DeWalt commercial
theophilus1918: I look old to me
theophilus1918: Decko Extendo
theophilus1918: Decko Extendo
theophilus1918: Decko Extendo
theophilus1918: Decko Extendo
theophilus1918: Decko Extendo
theophilus1918: Decko Extendo
theophilus1918: Swivelling Storage thinger filled with my crap. Dogger not included...