omtelsimon: IMG_2262 Longhorn beetle.
牧童 ( Mu-Tong ): IMG_8334-5613-5D2_170721
Macro Monster: DSCF0646
cskong9932: DSC_7042f
Wong H-I: Spider
Thomas Shahan 3: Habronattus americanus - Wallowa Mountains Oregon 2016
Dijalma Cruz: Saíra Douradinha
Charles Opper: I Dream of Magic
omtelsimon: IMG_2262 Robber fly with prey! HBBBT!
jim8kong: DSC_0094
cskong9932: DSC_3181
jim8kong: DSC_0069
jim8kong: DSC_0075 copy
~nazur~: Caterpillar aka Ulat Bulu :)