Tim R Edwards: Wall Detail #380 San Marco Florence 10.16
Jane Dibnah Floral Art: Autumn Ballet
martinmasselink: Balloons over Bagan
Djordje Petrovic: Lazarev kanjon
pixadeleon: Blue Lake
Al.Ci.: How do you know when rain is coming?
Joachim Wehmeyer: Buongiorno Val d`Orcia
sven804: Faith
elmofoto: f o g · f i n g e r s | marin county, california
mohamedelbaradey: way to allah, turkey
Momo_Analog: bigger than big butt
Seiko Cat's: "A quoi bon soulever des montagnes quand il est si simple de passer par-dessus? "
xperiane (Extremely busy): The autumn color (Mount Zao)
xperiane (Extremely busy): Japanese pickles (Joyful-Minowa)
xperiane (Extremely busy): Autumn festival
xperiane (Extremely busy): She is worried about him...
xperiane (Extremely busy): ジャミラさんをお迎えしました (I got PENTAX MZ-S)
Eric Lafforgue: Kid in from Mursi tribe, in Hail Wuha school village, Ethiopia
nuo_zhen: Alley
nuo_zhen: JM&Cat
kknox55: 085284-R1-16-14
xperiane (Extremely busy): smc PENTAX-FA77mmF1.8 Limited
xperiane (Extremely busy): Film has arrived from Amazon a little while ago :)