AMagill: Samantha at the pond
Stephen W Thomson: Raccoons at the Legion of Honor Museum (2006)
Gilles Gonthier: Marmotte -- Groundhog
FrejaBlume: Molly drinking water from a tiny cup
FrejaBlume: Molly the pug
[Christine]: Upside Down Wookie
FrejaBlume: Zoe and Toffee -
pyza*: "YummMMMmmy!" ~ Florcia
MrWhte22: C's Snoozing HDR B&W
Mike Wacht Photography: Isn't he the cutest thing? (Made it to Explore – #16!)
LilyWhitesParty: Sweet Boys
FrejaBlume: Joy !
adore62: mudskipper
dogerino: unprovoked attack
labodiattila: Mindjárt elérem...
kmgray19: Flying Pete!
tati68 .: vamos a jugar????
FrejaBlume: Running after crows
FrejaBlume: Goofy is back !
FrejaBlume: Happy Wrinkles ( Great news below!! ) 15 / 52
AMagill: Sam's present
wisely-chosen: Boneless
pyza*: "I feel so silly with this thing on my head..." ~ Balbinka
pyza*: Lady of the Flowers ~ Balbinka