MiWrestler2448 **3139997804**: Hey read this! I need size 11-12 yellow inflicts have money and plenty to trade lmk!
jacckroganohiowrestler: When the 7 year old has better shoe game than some kids in flikr. OFFER 10-11
Otomo (507 429 4446): My personal pair! 99+?
McCakes_: Adidas Mondials Size 9.5
maxmdarrah: Dapper
WANTFREEKSMICHIGAN2k4s(9526881384): My pup. Things I want: Wii U with Super smash bros, chinese combats size 9-9.5, and someone to offer me a trade for my freakin Jordan 10's!!
christiannunez210: Size 7.5 want gone badly
Ty Jones: Spider-Man asked if he could borrow my Grecos, lol
justinhenry1999: Size 11 OG teals FS/T
cowrestling303: Custom Nike inflict
4Moorekids: abbie
kidNJ120: Fuck mayweather
benroot2: Post season be like...
SwegShoos: Cash or sex offers only! 9/10 rulons sz7 fits 8 (260)...BNIB Reissues sz 7 fits 8 (570)...10/10 Rulons sz 7.5 fits 8 (420)...Greco Surpremes sz 8.5 fits 8 (120 obo)
Ziad Haddad: Size 11 BNIB OG
mnwrestler17 ( 763-954-0568 ): Prom on Saturday with Bae😏
PA_Wrestler7: Hey guys, @TheOGTaylorGang is selling these shirts $25.00 each including free shipping. Details are on his page. Go buy one! Pre-Orders are due by April 25th. Tell him Kordell sent you!
⚡️TAAK⚡️: Buy buy buy
goldensteinjake: But guess what I've got otw 😉
goldensteinjake: Feel cool for starting this, but here's another picture of her with a throwback to prom last year
christian.foote: Since everyone's doing it, bae af😍