E. Dempsey: _58A1838
kearneyjoe: Trumpeter Swan (Leucistic)
kearneyjoe: Bufflehead (M)
Brambling2007: Bay-breasted Warbler
les.sweetapple: yellow breasted chat, Dec. 19, 2017 Quidi Vidi (1)
frank.king2014: location map, Snow Goose, Branch
frank.king2014: Yellow-rumped Warbler, Route 10 South of Renews
alix.dentremont: Gray-cheeked Thrush
Megapixx~: Cat's Eyes
alix.dentremont: Scarlet Tanager
Shawn Michael Fitzpatrick: 20170509_104710_Euro_Whimbrel_FB
mike.norkum@gmail.com: Gotta get home
mike.norkum@gmail.com: Little adventurer
singhliam777: Hermit-ish Warbler - Mount Douglas, Victoria BC
singhliam777: Hermit-ish Warbler - Mount Douglas, Victoria BC
E. Dempsey: _58A4666
E. Dempsey: _58A4672
E. Dempsey: _58A4692
kearneyjoe: Black & White Warbler
kearneyjoe: Keep your eyes on the flies. A young Brown Trout sees a snack.
les.sweetapple: male Ruff, May 2016 Goulds (2)
Greg Froude: Common Redstart (Record Shot)
Paul B Jones: Sanderling | Calidris alba | Bécasseau sanderling
Greg Froude: Eurasian Blackbird
21orion: Common Loon
Birding the day Away !!: Magreb Wheatear ~ Oenanthe halophila
alison.mews: IMG_3733
kearneyjoe: Yellow-legged Gull
kearneyjoe: Yellow-legged Gull
kearneyjoe: Yellow-legged Gull