a galaxy far, far away...: The Mountain Who Wasn't There
-dubliner-: framework
-dubliner-: autumnal farewell
-dubliner-: luna sopra San Domenico
koaflashboy: plate xi.
a galaxy far, far away...: Masters of the Mountain
Jeff Teasdale: Thorp Perrow 12
chrisfriel: 030515/350
Panorama Paul: Paul's Deadvlei Composition
Moises Levy L: Alone 1 light
Moises Levy L: Water Old Tree
balazsgardi: GB.AFG.07.0307
dougchinnery.com: Lone Tree - The Roaches
koaflashboy: plate 3234.
G Dan Mitchell: Ranch, Fence, Morning Mist
Jon Díez Supat: El torreón / The Keep
jody9: ye olde zabriskie sunrise
jody9: mesquite dunes, death valley
Passport Party: Zapoljarnyj / Заполярный (Russia) - Panelák
hkvam: endless
Jeff Sullivan (www.JeffSullivanPhotography.com): Lightning in a Sunset Thunderstorm
csant: lyngen alps
csant: steilneset.