Jean-Lu-CLéo de 5 à 7: Le T. (soleil tranchant)
Alexandr Tikki: Pixel egg
Rafa N.: Lagartija. Lizard
Holger Losekann: Neuseeland - New Zealand-0832
photofabulation: Un goût d'évasion
photocap: _MG_3561
birdtracker: Skimmer
Georgie Pauwels: eyes which can not meet
the mr gnu: Out on the street
fearghal breathnach: Palantir [Explored August 18th 2014]
Jason Chu Chen: DSC_0062 (2048)
Baptiste Jésu: En dents de si Pusteblume
sunny-drunk: 4men4women
Barance: Day 223/365 Time for a drink
Riccardo Maria Mantero: Flash of the Glades
Peter Hill1: The Mighty The New Squeeze - XF-1
Matías Brëa: Lineas de un pasado feliz
Michal Kukla: Formica cunicularia
fxdx: Staircase
Peter Hill1: Sunrise Falls
AndrewJohn2011: Farewell to St. Nicks
Omygodtom: Doe's Dasiey.
-Lucie-: Lysefjord
necydalis: late summer...