CraftNClutter: As an anniversary gift, @mriopell magically found me series 11 minifigs! #happyanniversarytome
CraftNClutter: #tangerinedesigns in the wild! Living my new knit pendant. Awesome product @zephead8 !
CraftNClutter: Most expensive trip to work yet. #happyanniversarytome
CraftNClutter: Nine years
CraftNClutter: #strangefolkfestival haul. Including some @zephead8 #tangerinedesigns and a fancy new pouch to carry my phone around so I can ditch the sock.
CraftNClutter: This is the best wedding I've been too!
CraftNClutter: 3 hrs to kill between ceremony & dinner at the reception. Walgreens to the rescue.
CraftNClutter: #Memorial #WhatILiveFor : The Weekends! Time for family, fun and relaxing! What do you live for?
CraftNClutter: First sign of fall in a sea of green.
CraftNClutter: #fallshawlstyle mini edition. Someone bogarted my shawl that @imripple made me. #colbiegram
CraftNClutter: All cross stitch. All the time. I'm very much a monogamous crafter. Finished a shawl and despite wanting to knit a hat, I'm drawn like a magnet to making progress on #frostedpumpkinstitchery #onceuponatimesampler after such a long hiatus.
CraftNClutter: March is finally complete, after 2 false starts. Now to catch up on the border & dividers before moving onto the second half of the year. #onceuponatimesampler #frostedpumpkinstitchery
CraftNClutter: Stylin' #colbiegram
CraftNClutter: Ack! This camera, in a low light situation! Compared to my old phone, I can't even tell I'm not using my OttLight. #onceuponatimesampler #frostedpumpkinstitchery
CraftNClutter: Celebratory homemade Chicago dog—welcome home, iPhone 6! I think you'll be happy here.
CraftNClutter: Couldn't wait I get out of the FedEx parking lot before ripping it open.
CraftNClutter: A quiet evening holed up in our upstairs, because the contents of the office have taken over the first floor, playing and then stitching while listening to podcasts. A simple night. #onceuponatimesampler #frostedpumpkinstitchery
CraftNClutter: Committed to hardwood in the home office now – even in rough shape, it's so much better than the carpet! #joysofhomeownership
CraftNClutter: This is my trying-to-take-an-inconspicuous-selfie-at work smirk. #fallshawlstyle #popspots
CraftNClutter: A bit more The Roosevelts progress. Only saw about an hour of tonight's part 2, bummer. #onceuponatimesampler #frostedpumpkinstitchery
CraftNClutter: Figured out how to get the little one to be a little more adventurous while eating dinner. Please note: there are NO noodles on the plate – victory! #colbiegram
CraftNClutter: What makes you scared?…oh, god. #colbiegram
CraftNClutter: After nearly two & a half month hiatus, I sat down with #onceuponatimesampler while watching/listening to The Roosevelts. Two piggy heads started. Slow, but hopefully back to steady pace. #frostedpumpkinstitchery
CraftNClutter: One final FO pic. #popspots blocked & dry, adorning Girl.
CraftNClutter: A brisk morning at the farmers market means Lolli#popspots got worn prior to blocking.
CraftNClutter: I could not wait for proper lighting. Or for silly things like to block or to weave in ends. #popspots is done! Or at least a block away.
CraftNClutter: Temperatures dropped & work AC is on full blast – #fallshawlstyle. #behmalong
CraftNClutter: #widn @ballke – finishing out season 2 of Gilmore Girls while ironing with my fancy new German iron. Whatcha doing, @mrsshoo ?
CraftNClutter: Never ending. #popspots