Young GHO
Greg Lavaty Photography:
Yellow Warbler "Mangrove Warbler"
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist):
Emperor Shrimp (Zenopontonia rex) on Decumbent Spanish Dancer (Hexabranchus lacer)
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist):
Halgerda tessellata
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist):
Platydoris cruenta
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist):
Black-lip Pearl Shell - Pinctada margaritifera
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist):
A beautiful cup coral of some catches the sunlight
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist):
Hypselodoris tryoni
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist):
Icon Sea Star - Iconaster longimanus
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist):
Candycane Sea Cucumber - Thelenota rubralineata
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist):
Velutin Snail - Coriocella nigra
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist):
Reticulidia fungia
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist):
Bornella anguilla
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist):
Chromodoris magnifica
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist):
Thuridilla gracilis
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist):
Ornate Ghostpipefish - Solenostomus paradoxus
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist):
Cyerce nigra
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist):
Chromodoris lochi
Greg Meyer MD(H):
Comet Pons-Brooks
Male Puma Portrait
Tom's Macro and Nature Photographs:
Eclipse and ladybug - a matter of scale
Dave Arnold Photo:
Bad hair day
♂️ Black-capped Tanager
Crimson-backed Tanager -male-
Leopard portrait
NGC 6888 - The Crescent Nebula [Explored]