S.H.E.m.e.: a mushroom
S.H.E.m.e.: crossroads
S.H.E.m.e.: taking a break from ..
S.H.E.m.e.: The sun speaks to me
S.H.E.m.e.: fish-eye / my spontaneous drawing
S.H.E.m.e.: Trust in me like I trust in Nature..cause I am nature
S.H.E.m.e.: Move and walk... wind, my friend
S.H.E.m.e.: black coffee & revelations...
S.H.E.m.e.: Coffee - trees - love
S.H.E.m.e.: You can have a lifelong discussion with life but it is not possible with death. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWGKwNt9NY8
S.H.E.m.e.: Romantish..& coffee:)
S.H.E.m.e.: Естественият ход на нещата
S.H.E.m.e.: Don't be shy. You are shining. Правиш каквото можеш, пък да става каквото ще. Научно-обоснована поговорка
S.H.E.m.e.: Homemade...By me =)
S.H.E.m.e.: Romance in nature :D
S.H.E.m.e.: We can take the sun as an image to follow in our own lives.
S.H.E.m.e.: Each one of us is a Universe, a constellation of constellations
S.H.E.m.e.: universes & perspectives
S.H.E.m.e.: universes & perspectives
S.H.E.m.e.: quite asleep И понеже животът е филм,..."whatever I'm doing, at least I am doing something 😀"
S.H.E.m.e.: quite awaken
S.H.E.m.e.: Flock of.. many things
S.H.E.m.e.: The Triangle of inspiration. Why-why me-why now.
S.H.E.m.e.: Korean Calligraphy & ginkgo biloba
S.H.E.m.e.: Korean calligraphy & real flowers