[Hisomu]: P i t b u l l - T e r r i e r
╭∩╮ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ╭∩╮: coerced coexistance
╭∩╮ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ╭∩╮: new year cuddle fuddle
╭∩╮ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ╭∩╮: behind the scenes - collapsing dolls shot... omf
uncorn7: IMG_6407
阿K子(Kay): Nap time!
dolls of milena: Antonina
dolls of milena: Antonina
hadhoo: Play with sunbeams
hadhoo: Сommission wig.
yasmin_bjd: Plasticmoon Teru
nebuloid: TOO FEM Constantine :D
nebuloid: Witch
nebuloid: Marry The Night
nebuloid: Bleu Noir
propertyoftheuchiha [FabuulaRasa]: Lookin' at - Lookin' at
Vamptastic: 2016-06-03_10-19-48
Loo.Luisa: The weirdest selfie
Nattmaran: First summer day
阿K子(Kay): When I got my number one