Lol. Itu manekin ya? Btw, kok tulisan selebaran nya juara 2?
Wkwkwk guess, who are they? Lol
The participants who join "Beat My Score" with Telkomsel. @androidriau @burgergabohpku #WePlayID
"Beat My Score" with telkomsel @androidriau @WePlayID #WePlayID #thewinner
Poke @vicakrn war log sebulan terakhir. Hehe. Poke @sonny_afriandi @androidriau @anaxtonkaw good job team!! Selamat yg teraktir lider nya.
Good job team. You're the best so far. Really epic war just now!!! Keep it!! Win it!! @androidriau
Nice job buddy. Keep spirit guys. @androidriau winning again.
Congrats guys. Winning again. Keep it!! @androidriau
Good job guys!! Win again. Keep spirit guys!! Win next war!! @androidriau
Yeyy winning again!! Congrats all. @androidriau keep spirit all!!
Congrats @androidriau win war again. Keep it.!! Win much more loots again
Holly shit!!!
@androidriau great war buddy. Keep it!! Most heroic attack Tonkaw. Most heroic deffend, sony afriandy the playboyman. Salam FINISH NOW!!!
Ijin share. Yg iri delcont aja lol
We are ANDROID RIAU!! Poke @androidriau
My base. #eclipsemodding
Eclipse base always the best.!! #atackedbydragon
Guest, who's my name?
COC TROPHY HUNT 21 JUNI 2014 CC: @burgergabohpku @androidriau
Monument Valley again. Wakaka poke @afdanir
Monument Valley again. Cc: @afdanir
Monument Valley
Tips nyoblos untuk cabe cabe-an. Lol
Sialhkan Open PO. High/ Mini tripod. Tongsis. Old/ New Fish eye lens. Clip Fish eye lens. Telescope lens. Bbm 74F68FDB
3in1 Lens. Cocok untuk semua handphone,tablet,ipad,iphone dll. More info, contact us. Line,ig,kakao,twiit @DeSmanAryPotter BBM 74F68FDB sms,telfn,wa 083167442323
Tongsis (buat selfpi) + Fish Eye Lens. More info, contact me sms,wa,telfn 083167442323 bbm 74F68FDB twiit, kakao,line,ig @DeSmanAryPotter
New Wide + Macro Lens. Bisa untuk semua handphone. More info, contact me.