Michelle @ i like orange.: 4 blocks down, lots of seam ripping to go. I'm totally stoked about this quilt!
Michelle @ i like orange.: The best pic I could get... All 108" and 2,916 squares of it. I'm so happy about this! #nofilter #scrappytripalong
Mona Leisa: Pinky Quilt Chair
BabyLuxDesigns: baby lux design-craft show display
BabyLuxDesigns: baby lux design craft show display
badskirt: IMG_3241.jpg
swim notes: scrappy ocean waves finished
ImAGingerMonkey: chevron quilt
Lifesrichpattern: Patchwork Wheel Quilt - Care Circle, do.Good Stitches
Sew Peachey: Modernista swap: mini reveal!
wooden spoon: My low volume charm plus quilt is finished!
Spotted Stone Studio {Krista}: Welcome to Nunaka baby quilt
clothwork: Quilt for Nan
two.hippos: Summer in SF
The Busy Bean: wide open pouch for knitting
traceyjay: Scrappy sprouts
dodgebutterfly: Mendocino Clamshell progess
filminthefridge: marcelle plus quilt
quarter inch mark/ Chase: patchwork tote
wooden spoon: 241 tote for my sister's birthday...
paulapatchwork: Love remains - Pixelated heart - Quilt top finished
PileOFabric: Mini Quilt for my Swap Partner Salty Oat
all buttoned up: Crossed Up Comforter Quilt
vintagemodernquilts | lisa: Inspiration from @annamariahorner | composing a quilt #quiltcon
chunky09: 241 tote