nikagnew: Reflections of Fall
nikagnew: Watching
nikagnew: Crack Open a Cold One!
nikagnew: Pea Parade
Grimshire: River Eagle
Grimshire: In for a landing
ymx48: the fight for blue light
gajicboki: Harry Potter
Hedi-Alana: Aaaahhhhhh
cage_ee: May be my last shot for a Few Weeks (20131229, JKG)
Greta Gabaglio (Greta6): The Beauty of the Snow
Paul Rioux: Tractor
l_dewitt: This is so exciting..I can......
l_dewitt: you caught .........
Harry2010: Oooh, what a hangover ...
Golden_Arrow: Winter Sunset
Matt Champlin: Snowfall
Glenn Pye: Gosling
David Douša: Winter is BLACK