Emmanuel Mouquet: Budapest November 2013 008
Emmanuel Mouquet: Budapest November 2013 044
pbr42: Fishermans Bastion
xetas: Budapest viewing over the Danube with the famous Chain Bridge // Blick über die Donau mit der berühmten Kettenbrücke
Patrick Dricot: Memories : crosses
Patrick Dricot: Dark shadow
Patrick Dricot: Amsterdam : made in Japan
Patrick Dricot: London plays checkers
Patrick Dricot: Shadow of a tree
Patrick Dricot: Empty streets
nicolasheinzelmann: the dignity of a tree
nicolasheinzelmann: christmas is in the air (already)
gr8fulted54: Under The Big Pointy Thing
gr8fulted54: Red Rock All Around
gr8fulted54: High Country Stillness
LonelyWulf: de la oscuridad (Explored)
oskar zapirain: _DSC1650
oskar zapirain: _DSF6783
oskar zapirain: _DSF0306
oskar zapirain: _DSF7912
戴 sir: 蘭嶼情人洞小星軌
戴 sir: 平靜的清大成功湖夜景
戴 sir: 豎琴橋夜色
戴 sir: 冬天的青草湖夕陽