♥Heather ♥: Autumn is here
♥Heather ♥: Holala love
Lawdeda ♡: We love our new outfit Shaz! Thanks so much!
SWEET EVITA: My new outfit
Le crochet d'Erenys: Blanket for BJD
ftwheather20: 65 Flower Doily Closeup 1 June 2005
valeriescrochet: shaded pastel butterflies
valeriescrochet: Lori's Rose doily (Small)
valeriescrochet: variagated butterfly doily
valeriescrochet: pastel butterfly doily
valeriescrochet: butterfly doily 002
crochetthreads: Butterfly Crochet Doily
lindacrochets: Magic Wings Doily
DAINTYCROCHETBYALY: My Magic Wings, crochet patterns
wise craft, handmade by Blair Stocker: Granny Square Sampler Week 9
priscillablain: flower blanket
Jilted Ballerina: Coming up roses
amy_gee: Finished the underdress. It has pockets! #bjdsewing #volksschoolc #bjd #balljointeddoll
French Bulldog Works: blondie (wig for my Etsy shop)
OxanaO: IMG_8777
OxanaO: IMG_8784
OxanaO: IMG_8789
Cakau ♥: In 10 m at my et*y store 😉 Shabby Chic Set dress and bunny 😍
French Bulldog Works: dusty rose wig
ok2la: Lati Yellow Lea Tan skin