grmatz: Otters!
grmatz: Rebecca and Maria the Otter
grmatz: Bex_Rebecca_Mariatheotter
grmatz: B_R_MtheO
grmatz: RandMtheOtter
grmatz: Coffs Harbor in the wind
grmatz: Otters!
grmatz: Ugh, can't remember the name
grmatz: Cassowary- with a large fence between me and it's claws
grmatz: DSC01051
grmatz: Dude, I totally know how ya' feel.
grmatz: SQUEE!
grmatz: It's so tiny!
grmatz: DSC01286
grmatz: hello?
grmatz: No no, don't get up. (no really, stay there)
grmatz: Yep, feels like morning
grmatz: Little Grey Kangaroo
grmatz: Crows everywhere.
grmatz: Bex and Maria the otter
grmatz: DSC01682
grmatz: Feeding otters feels funny
grmatz: Wombat
grmatz: Lake McKenzie
grmatz: The "highway" on Fraser Island (complete with speed posts)
grmatz: Champagne Pools
grmatz: DSC02283
grmatz: Eli Creek