NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: 2020-subpro-phoP2005287
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: Risvan Dirza- SUBPRO
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: Leonardo P.A.Sales. SUBPRO
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: Leonardo P.A.Sales- SUBPRO
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: The European herring gull (Larus argentatus). Gråmåke-vinter-phoDSC04985
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: The great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) . Flaggspett-pho-P1904775
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: Bluebells. Blåklokke-pho19P1909586
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: Dvergbjørk_pho_5422
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: Puffin. Lundefugl-pho_0576
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: The thick-billed murre or Brünnich's guillemot (Uria lomvia). Polarlomvi-pho_2834
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: Puffin. Lundefugl-pho_3621
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: Havørn. The white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)-pho_0507
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: Kongeørn. Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)_pho-9174
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: Researchers' Night 2019
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: Researchers' Night 2019
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: Researchers' Night 2019
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: Researchers' Night 2019
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: Researchers' Night 2019
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: Researchers' Night 2019
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: Researchers' Night 2019
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: Researchers' Night 2019
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: Researchers' Night 2019
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: Researchers' Night 2019
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: Researchers' Night 2019
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: Researchers' Night 2019
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: Researchers' Night 2019
NTNU, Faculty of Natural Sciences: Researchers' Night 2019