snmcr: 2020-04-24_03-56-36
snmcr: Hayat balkona sığar. Life is in balconies. |[ K U Z G U N C U K ]|
snmcr: T Ü N E L [ T A K S İ M ]
snmcr: Kilitbahir yanındaki Mola kafedeyiz. Rahle üzerinde yüce bir mana gibi yükselen iki ağaca ufak bir pencereden bakıyor ve şükrediyoruz, topraklarımızı imanla yeşerttiği ve o imanlı yüreklerle koruduğu için. [ G A L L I P O L I ]
snmcr: This is Kilitbahir Castle, Kilitbahir means the sea lock. You can relase that Kilitbahir Castle has a unique architecture when you compared to other Ottoman castles. Fatih Sultan Mehmet, known for his devotion to geometry, had built the castle in the form
snmcr: This is Kilitbahir Castle, Kilitbahir means the sea lock. You can relase that Kilitbahir Castle has a unique architecture when you compared to other Ottoman castles. Fatih Sultan Mehmet, known for his devotion to geometry, had built the castle in the form
snmcr: This is Kilitbahir Castle, Kilitbahir means the sea lock. You can relase that Kilitbahir Castle has a unique architecture when you compared to other Ottoman castles. Fatih Sultan Mehmet, known for his devotion to geometry, had built the castle in the form
snmcr: ... three-leaf clover in 1462 and he created a strong defense system with this plan. Moreover, this castle played an important role in the battle of Gallipoli. I hope we don't need to use it again.
snmcr: This is Kilitbahir Castle! Kilitbahir means "sea lock". You can realize that Kilitbahir Castle has a unique architecture when you compared to other Ottoman castles. Fatih Sultan Mehmet, known for his devotion to geometry, had built the castle in the form
snmcr: Suleymaniye
snmcr: Erguvan ]|BUYUKCEKMECE|[
snmcr: Again Gökçeada. With Sony Xperia compact
snmcr: Zaman makinesine ihtiyacımız yok. Etrafa bakmak, tarihte gezinmek için bize yeter. ——- We don’t need the time machine.It is enough to look around for travel in history.
snmcr: When you look at something away from it, you can realise the beautiy. || R O A D ||
snmcr: Nev Mekan. || Ü S K Ü D A R ||
snmcr: Dome. || Ü S K Ü D A R ||
snmcr: Kız Kulesi (Maiden’s Tower) and the bird look like postcard. ]| Ü S K Ü D A R |[
snmcr: Fresh air fresh mind | B E Y L I K D U Z U |
snmcr: When you want to go home, road doesnt allow it.
snmcr: ]| FENER - BALAT |[
snmcr: ]| ALAÇATI |[
snmcr: Reflection ]| B E L G R A D |[
snmcr: Passing to private property quietly.. [ A L A Ç A T I ]
snmcr: Would you like to drink black-white cat ? ☕️ Alaçatı [ I Z M I R ]
snmcr: Little little in to the middle. [ K A R A K Ö Y ]
snmcr: E P H E S U S [ IZMIR]
snmcr: A N A M E D // T A K S İ M [ İSTANBUL ]
snmcr: [[ S I R I N C E ]]
snmcr: [ A L A C A T I ]