nikki a gosney: 19/52 - Birds. Well weโ€™ve had these chickens for less than a week and the pup is finally brave enough to sniff the coup. ๐Ÿ˜„
nikki a gosney: 18/52 - Not exactly my fav. Traveling solo. Iโ€™ve wanted to take a solo vacation for a while, so here I am in Guatemala. I spent 6 months here once so I know it quite well. Iโ€™m having a fantastic time, but itโ€™s not quite the same as traveling with others
nikki a gosney: 16/52 - Bokeh
nikki a gosney: 15/52 - single
nikki a gosney: 12/52 - something green
nikki a gosney: 11/52-street photography
nikki a gosney: 10/52 - going up
nikki a gosney: DSCF4152
nikki a gosney: 8/52 - movie title
nikki a gosney: 7/52 - LOVE
nikki a gosney: 5/52 - eight
nikki a gosney: 4/52 - Shadows
nikki a gosney: 3/52 - hair
nikki a gosney: 2/52 - Cracked
nikki a gosney: 1/52-The letter P. P is for puppy. My daughter and her new puppy watching the blizzard from inside ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Happy New Year to all ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
nikki a gosney: Sunflower field in NJ
nikki a gosney: Letter to Santa
nikki a gosney: DSC_0573-003
nikki a gosney: Hummingbird
nikki a gosney: DSC_0566-003
nikki a gosney: Bei Bei. Baby panda at Smithsonian Zoo in D.C
nikki a gosney: Hawk in my garden
nikki a gosney: Hawk in my garden
nikki a gosney: This hawk sat on a fence in my garden for 10 mins in the rain, he seemed happy to pose for me.
nikki a gosney: Mount Tammany at Delaware water gap, NJ
nikki a gosney: Mt Tammany